Ok, so here is my blog!

I am writing this blog because I want to understand myself better as a person. I want to show both you and me some of the challanges I had in my life and these past years of studying abroad in England when being Swedish.

I hope that my thoughts and comments can help you in any way if you have had challanges and want to try to understand what you have learnt from them.

I reflect upon experiences and trying to understand what I have learnt from them because I believe everything happens for a reason, I often feel the need to find it when I need to deal with something difficult.

Hope this can help you get some insight and encouragement when you have challenges and if not, hopefully you enjoyed reading it anyway


Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Suddenly Im Swedish

Before I came to England I did not want to identify myself with Sweden that much. all my life I have said I live in Sweden but I am born in England. I have always said to myself that I am a little English, BUT since I came here to study I have suddenly become Swedish, its my identity and it is who I am. Whether or not I like it I compare to Sweden and I am compared to the English here. I am proud of being Swedish most times but I am almost more proud that I know and understand the British culture because even if the two countries are close they are very different. There are significant differences between the two countries such as how they talk to people. Here it is very brutal and harsh sometimes (and I thought British people were polite. Polite should be their surname).

But I still LOVE England...sometimes....sometimes I just really miss Sweden. Sometimes (and yes I am making a harsh statement now but it has to be said) I think that England is a rich Developing Country in the way they handle things and how their systems work such as the medical system and other things. Sorry...


Friday, 11 February 2011

This is England

This is England - From own experience (sadly most of the times)

Chinese guy cutting his nails in the restaurant where paying customers eat and wait for food

Commercials on TV with talking animals, vegetables and fruit! What’s up with that?!

Advertising Nutella as healthy...need I say more?

Where being healthy means eat guacamole because then you will get the healthy avocado. In Sweden its eat half of an avocado to be healthy.

Snacks are crisps. And everything such as rice, hamburger and sandwich comes along with crisps or chips! They are big on eating carbs with carbs which is strange for me.

were animals are something we should be donate money for every month; such as donkeys.

It will be updated...

You know, being here in Soton studying, living and having a life is weird. It is strange and it is unknown. Nobody can understand except for the people that have done it themselves. It is strange that I can sit on my sofa (and its not even mine, it came with the flat), I sit and just do nothing. Well, I am on my computer writing but still and I’m ill but still. I sit and sit and go to the library to study, I go to ASDA to shop for food. I cook dinner, go to the gym, TV, sleep. Wake up and do this all over again. Is this life? Am I doing everything I can to make the most out of this opportunity? I think I want to be on the safe side of things sometimes, most of the time probably but I know that I will look back and say: Hm...was that all I did? Really? What happened to all the mini trips we decided to do? What happened to all the little adventures? Well to be honest its hard to actually take time to do those things because its not something temporary. It is but its not really as it has been three years. Now this is my life, my everyday life and its alright, don’t get me wrong but its just...that’s it! Yes, ok now I have decided that I need to do something about it. I have to start doing fun stuff even though my work load is up to my ears and even though I am ill and even though I might have to do it myself...no, erase that, I’m not doing it myself. That’s not me. I am very dependent on people around me. I’m not scared of doing things alone, its just not fun with only me I think. This summer was the first time I sat in a coffee shop by my self. I was in London. I’ve never felt so lonely as I did in London, even though I was absolutely not alone. To make it easier I tried to think I was an important business woman who everybody thought looked good and wanted to be or wanted to be with. I imagined Sex and the City music while I walked down the streets and my Starbucks latte in my hand was mostly because that’s what they do, those people I pretended to be. Its really embarrassing, I don’t really drink coffee anyway. I only drink it when its on the go, its the only good coffee in my opinion. Plus I think too much coffee isn’t good for you.

This whole of third year has gone past so fast. I cannot believe it is soon over. I cannot believe that the person I pretended to be is actually me soon. I can’t wait!


Monday, 7 February 2011

This is my story

Ok, this is my story...

When I planned to go to uni here in England I was single. In the autumn I met a boy (as in all stories, right). This boy swept me off my feet, at least I thought that then. We had a great year with lots of love before I left for England. He was great about me going and we were still together. This boy made me so happy because he swallowed my love and I loved that. But just be safe, I have to tell you that it is far from being a fairytale. When in love my mind fogged. I think that everybody feel that though. Well, anyway I loved this guy. I loved him so much all his flaws became something I loved. I thought that made the love special. He was my first love. WAS being the key word here.

Yes, this summer when I came home to Sweden early for summer he broke up with me. I was devastated. I actually got physical pain inside me. I was really hurt and it has taken all summer and all autumn to get over it, if I am over it. I don’t know. Sometimes I think I am but then I rewind the time and think too much and I’m there again. That is my biggest flaw I think....that I think to much. Someone said to me once, or actually more than once, that I need to chill and not be so uptight. Maybe the person is right but I don’t know. Its just who I am.

Anyway, back to the heart break. Funnily enough I had the best summer of my life so far. I had two work experiences; I had lots of parties and dinners which I love to host and be a part of. I worked and I did all the fun stuff I wanted to. I realised I wasn’t depending on someone any longer. No, let me rephrase that! I wasn’t depending on someone who always let me down. I think my dream is being the perfect couple and having someone I am proud of having and being someone’s girlfriend, I know it sounds really corny (I think I watched too many Hollywood films). The thing is I never had that, not for real. It only existed in my mind. Because he never was there on the dinners and parties. I always got disappointed. I’ll let you in on a secret. We were together for three years almost. That means that we were together for three new year’s eves, but the funny thing is...I have never had a new year’s kiss (my drama queen and fairytale thought again). How bad is that? Been with a guy for three years and never got a kiss on new year’s. The funny part is now that we are not together he quit his job which made him 'miss' all the important events. I think for me I want to show my love to others. I’ve read somewhere that some people don’t think that love exists if they don’t talk about it or show it. I might be that person...

Anyway I think that this break up thought me something very important. I have become more aware of me and what I want and what I need and how I react to situations. That is a good lesson, it must be. So if I am going to look on the bright side, a Swedish saying works well here...tur i oturen. Luck in unluck it means. But i guess its better so say that there is always a silver lining....Im trying to see it and focus on it. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t work...but hey that’s life.


There is a story...

Ar lim och styrketraning svaret?
Hjartat krossat
I miljoner bitar
Krossat i miljoner sma bitar
Sma sma bitar som anda kanns stora
Sa stora
Sa tunga
Det ligger en tyngd over brostet
Brostet kanns tungt
Det gar nastan inte att andas

Hur gor man nar man blivit overgiven?
Hur klarar man sig mot det tunga tunga brostet?
Hur lagar man de sma sma miljoner bitar av hjartat?
Hitta nagon annan?

Det enda jag vill ar att alska
Va gor man av all den karlek man har inom sig?
Att lagga den pa sig sjalv, ar inte det sjalviskt
Och hur gor man det anyhow?
Maybe thats the problem.
Ar det sorgligt att kanna helhet
Helhet nar bara nagon annan alskar dig

Jag trodde karleken overvann allt.
Jag hade fel.
There is a story but no fairytale…not even close

This is a poem I wrote when I was heart broken.I questioned love and myself and what is happiness. I was wondering if I was only going to be happy with another person and not alone. As it is personal and not that good I am only explaining a little about it instead of translating it.


Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Innovation and creativity

Today in class we had to discuss what the difference between creativity and innovation is. The difference is that the creativity is the ideas and the innovations are the actual ideas in artefacts. The innovations are the outcomes of the creativity. Idea to artefact. It is simple. So what we then did was to come up with new innovations to an artefact already existing. This was fun and interesting because my group went really all out and said the most ridiculous things but it is ok because its said that out of 100 ideas one is good.

I think this exercise is good for the future for us when we are managers or work in an innovative work place. This will allow the group to be creative with no boundaries which can result in great ideas; the pencilling was created by mistake so there you go!

I have another class now so I better go. But I will blog again soon...
