Ok, so here is my blog!

I am writing this blog because I want to understand myself better as a person. I want to show both you and me some of the challanges I had in my life and these past years of studying abroad in England when being Swedish.

I hope that my thoughts and comments can help you in any way if you have had challanges and want to try to understand what you have learnt from them.

I reflect upon experiences and trying to understand what I have learnt from them because I believe everything happens for a reason, I often feel the need to find it when I need to deal with something difficult.

Hope this can help you get some insight and encouragement when you have challenges and if not, hopefully you enjoyed reading it anyway


Friday, 11 February 2011

This is England

This is England - From own experience (sadly most of the times)

Chinese guy cutting his nails in the restaurant where paying customers eat and wait for food

Commercials on TV with talking animals, vegetables and fruit! What’s up with that?!

Advertising Nutella as healthy...need I say more?

Where being healthy means eat guacamole because then you will get the healthy avocado. In Sweden its eat half of an avocado to be healthy.

Snacks are crisps. And everything such as rice, hamburger and sandwich comes along with crisps or chips! They are big on eating carbs with carbs which is strange for me.

were animals are something we should be donate money for every month; such as donkeys.

It will be updated...


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