Ok, so here is my blog!

I am writing this blog because I want to understand myself better as a person. I want to show both you and me some of the challanges I had in my life and these past years of studying abroad in England when being Swedish.

I hope that my thoughts and comments can help you in any way if you have had challanges and want to try to understand what you have learnt from them.

I reflect upon experiences and trying to understand what I have learnt from them because I believe everything happens for a reason, I often feel the need to find it when I need to deal with something difficult.

Hope this can help you get some insight and encouragement when you have challenges and if not, hopefully you enjoyed reading it anyway


Thursday, 17 March 2011

The Giver

When doing a personality test online my results were Extraverted 33 % Intuitive 38 % Feeling 62 % Judging 44 %.

I believe that this fits my personality very well. I like meeting new people and understand people when they are upset or sad and I want to make them feel better. I also am, not unstable but rather passionate, but I have a lot of emotions inside me. I can be happy one moment and very sad the next. But, what I believe is very important is to pick your moments when you’re sad so I can cope with it when it is appropriate. The test also showed that I am judging. I believe that this is actually true. One place I can be judging is in the kitchen. As I love to cook and I believe I am very good at it when others e.g. chop the onion differently this can be a bit difficult for me to cope with. As I live with two of my friends I have now learnt that how they chop the onion is nothing wrong and that the taste is the same. I also like to do things my way as this is what I know best. However, important to state is that this is only when I am confident enough that I believe my way is the best way. I love to learn and see how other do things so I can learn.

I will ask my house mates what they think is my personality later, now I need to go! So see you later!

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