Ok, so here is my blog!

I am writing this blog because I want to understand myself better as a person. I want to show both you and me some of the challanges I had in my life and these past years of studying abroad in England when being Swedish.

I hope that my thoughts and comments can help you in any way if you have had challanges and want to try to understand what you have learnt from them.

I reflect upon experiences and trying to understand what I have learnt from them because I believe everything happens for a reason, I often feel the need to find it when I need to deal with something difficult.

Hope this can help you get some insight and encouragement when you have challenges and if not, hopefully you enjoyed reading it anyway


Saturday, 2 April 2011

When something ends, another starts

I am now at home alone just had a long candle lit, relaxing shower. I had to calm myself down because I am worried about my, ready for a serious word? FUTURE. I am scared, not really excited at the moment and I am stressed about what will happen after I finish uni. There are many questions I am asking myself; should I stay here in Southampton (do not really want to do that), should I go to London, Brighton? Should I go home to Gothenburg? What should I do? Study a MA in Sweden, England? What do I want to work with? What can I actually do?

When writing this I realise I should be lucky that I actually have these many choices. However, it is just so hard! What do I actually want to do and when and in what order? Where should I start?

It is sad, it is sad because it’s an end of an era. I have actually completed three years! Its a big thing for me but I haven’t really digested it yet, well it hasn’t actually happened yet but you know what I mean. I need to get my head straight and figure out what I want. It is really fun realising, which I am doing right now, that I can do whatever I want. The road will be up and down, but hey, what road isn’t? This journey I have done here in Soton has been an up and down journey but I have ended up fine at the end of the road. I have come to a cross road and I need to grab the opportunities that are before me quickly and make things happen!
It will probably be alright, as my parents always say, you can always come home. Gothenburg and we are always here but go out and spread your wings and enjoy life and experience what is out there. Mum, dad...I WILL!

Oh, I’m exited now! And as I have completed the Creative Management course, where I have been given tools to overcome obstacles, I will be OK. I only have to remember that the journey is more important than the destination itself. As long as I am happy and content with where I am at the moment it will all be OK. If I don’t like where I am I will make a change!


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